In case you are near Swansea (in southern Wales) and are free on Monday, feel free to come to this event. There will be food, wine, and, best of all, translated books and books on translation! See the following information:
You are warmly invited to a Swansea University translation studies book launch and showcase, with light refreshments, to be hosted by Waterstone’s and the School of Arts on campus next Monday (15 June) from 1.00.
Last year a very successful Nordic Translation Conference was organised by PhD student BJ Epstein at the Institute for Germanic and Romance Studies in London. BJ has now edited the proceedings and they have been published by Peter Lang with the title:
Northern Lights: Translation in the Nordic Countries
The book launch is to celebrate the publication, as well as the recent award of BJ's doctorate.
It will also be an opportunity to come and see some of the wealth of work in translation studies published in recent years by Swansea academics, mostly from the School of Arts. Literary translations from a range of languages and research publications in different areas of this fast-evolving field will be on display.
TGIF: Silent Letter Day
1 day ago
Have a wonderful time this evening, B.J.!
Thanks, Erika! It was an afternoon launch, so it's over now. It was fun!
Best wishes,
For anyone who cares to read about and see pictures from the book launch, check out:,34877,en.php
Best wishes,
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