Sunday, November 28, 2010

Winner of Give-Away

A couple of weeks ago, I posted about translating cookbooks. I included a give-away. The winner is Louisa, who wrote:

My favorite resource is Wikipedia -- I look up whatever term I need to translate in that language and then switch to the English Wikipedia version using the sidebar on the left. There are usually pictures on each language's site so I can be sure they refer to the same thing. Wikipedia has almost everything -- it's great for more than just food!

Louisa, please email me to get your voucher!


Chinese Translator said...

Smart, I use Wiki all the time, however did not compare pictures yet.

interior design said...

Congratulations to the winner. I only used Wikipedia when I am curious on the life of a famous or infamous person. I haven't tried using it for translation purposes since I am using google translate for that. Thanks for sharing Louisa's comment.