Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Visit to a Museum

On a trip to Vienna last month, I spent a lovely cold afternoon at the Kunsthistorische Museum. I noticed that I was much more interested in paintings of St. Jerome and of the Tower of Babel than I was of many of the other works. Obviously, being a translator has affected all aspects of my life, including my taste in art!


Andrew Shields said...

... déformation professionelle ...

(If my third child had been a second son, his name would have been Jerome ...)

B.J. Epstein said...

That would have been great! I assume, then, that your third child is a daughter. What is her name?
Best wishes,

Andrew Shields said...

Her name is Sara. (First child, Miles; second child, Luisa -- who would have been Louis if she had been a boy, in keeping with the trumpet-player theme. Coincidence: I'm listening to Miles Davis this morning!)

B.J. Epstein said...

Is there a trumpet-played named Sara? Or was it just a name you liked?
Best wishes,

Andrew Shields said...

I'm sure there's a trumpet player named Sara somewhere in the world, but we named my daughter Sara after my sister Sara.