I often get emails from people who ask me for reading lists and while I don't think I should do people's research for them, as I've said before, I can provide some suggestions. And if any readers come up with other books and articles that could be of use, feel free to add them in the comments.
So, for the first such list, I thought I'd offer some good introductory texts on translation. These will serve as a useful academic basis for a deeper understanding of what translation is and what translators do.
Mona Baker: In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation
Basil Hatim and Ian Mason: Discourse and the Translator
Clifford E. Landers: Literary Translation: A Practical Guide
André Lefevere: Translating Literature: Practice and Theory in a Comparative Literature Context
Jeremy Munday: Introducing Translation Studies
Peter Newmark: Approaches to Translation
Peter Newmark: A Textbook of Translation
Eugene A. Nida and Charles R. Taber: The Theory and Practice of Translation
Christiane Nord: Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained
Gideon Toury: Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond
TGIF: Silent Letter Day
1 day ago
I'm a Spanish>English translator. I would like to add:
García Yebra. Teoría y práctica de la traducción (1984) y En torno a la traducción (1990)
Hatim, B. & J. Munday (2004) Translation: An Advanced Resource Book. London/New York, Routledge.
Hurtado Albir (2001). Traducción y Traductología. Introducción a laTraductología.
Niranjana, T. (1992) Siting Translation, History, Post-Structuralism, and the Colonial Context
Rabadán, R. (1991). Equivalencia y traducción. Problemática de la equivalencia translémica inglés-español
Robinson, D (1997) Translation and Empire
Venuti, L. (2000). The Translation Studies Reader
And, a very interesting book that deals with the influence of translations on Argentinian literary system:
Willson, P. (2004). La Constelación del Sur. Traducciones y traductores en la literatura argentina del siglo XX
Excellent -- thank you, Marina!
Best wishes,
Hi There,
I also established a list of must-reads that translators themselves recommend. You'll find it on my blog right here: http://www.anothertranslator.eu/la-bibliotheque-ideale-du-traducteur/
Thank you, Laurent! What a nice list you've got!
Best wishes,
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