Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Market Research

If you translate short stories, novel excerpts, poems, or other shorter works, sometimes it can be hard to know where to submit your translations. In the future, I will post more links to journals that actively seek and regularly publish translated work. Remember for each journal, try to read a number of back issues to get a sense of the editors’ interests before you submit. There’s no point in submitting an experimental work to a journal that mainly publishes science fiction, for example. Do your research.

Now, check out Subtropics.


Judy Jenner and Dagmar Jenner said...

Excellent idea, thanks! Even though we don't translate literature -- at least not yet -- information of this kind will be very helpful for our literary translator friends. We will help spread the word!

B.J. Epstein said...

Thanks, ladies!

Best wishes,